Which countries do not follow human rights?
At the bottom were Iraq with a score of 12, China at 10, and North Korea and Syria with six. Iran was marked by a shocking lack of human rights, scoring only two out of a possible total of 100.

  • Denmark. #1 in Cares about human rights.
  • Sweden. #2 in Cares about human rights.
  • Norway. #3 in Cares about human rights.
  • Canada. #4 in Cares about human rights.
  • Netherlands. #5 in Cares about human rights.
  • Switzerland. #6 in Cares about human rights.
  • Finland. #7 in Cares about human rights.
  • New Zealand. #8 in Cares about human rights.

Civil and political rights are violated through genocide, torture, and arbitrary arrest. These violations often happen during times of war, and when a human rights violation intersects with the breaking of laws about armed conflict, it's known as a war crime.

What are the human rights in Euro 2024 : All forms of discrimination and abuse shall be prevented and combatted. UEFA EURO 2024 shall be a safe experience for everyone involved in the tournament. Access to healthy food and beverages is provided and physical activity is supported and promoted. UEFA EURO 2024 shall be an event for everyone.

What country violates human rights the most

The bottom five were Iran (0, 'F'), Syria (6, 'F'), Yemen (8, 'F'), Venezuela (12, 'F'), and Egypt (14, 'F'). Canada had the highest grade in the Americas with an 88 (B). Taiwan led Asian nations with a score of 78 (C+), while Cabo Verde had the highest score in Africa with an 84 (B).

Who are the biggest violators of human rights : It says countries such as Syria, Somalia, Turkmenistan, Libya, Cuba, and Saudi Arabia are places where people suffer from some of the most severe, systematic abuses of human rights on the planet.

According to the report, the five top countries for human rights were Finland (with a grade of 98 or 'A'), Australia (92, 'A-'), Estonia (92, 'A-'), Sweden (92, 'A-'), and Austria (90, 'A-'). The bottom five were Iran (0, 'F'), Syria (6, 'F'), Yemen (8, 'F'), Venezuela (12, 'F'), and Egypt (14, 'F').

Freest Countries In The World

  • Freest Countries In The World. Switzerland. Switzerland Human Freedom Index: 9.39.
  • New Zealand. New Zealand Human Freedom Index: 9.09.
  • Estonia. Estonia Human Freedom Index: 9.28.
  • Denmark. Denmark Human Freedom Index: 9.17.

What are the 7 human rights

The Covenant deals with such rights as freedom of movement; equality before the law; the right to a fair trial and presumption of innocence; freedom of thought, conscience and religion; freedom of opinion and expression; peaceful assembly; freedom of association; participation in public affairs and elections; and …including the violation of the right to food, the violations associated with prison camps, torture and inhumane treatment, arbitrary detention, discrimination, violations of freedom of expression, violations of the right to life, violations of freedom of movement, and enforced disappearances, including in the form of …Brexit was about leaving the EU. It did not impact the Council of Europe, so the UK still has to follow the ECHR and judgments from the European Court of Human Rights.

The EU's predecessor, the European Economic Community, was founded with the Inner Six member states in 1958, when the Treaty of Rome came into force. Since then, the EU's membership has grown to twenty-seven, with the latest member state being Croatia, which joined in July 2013.

Does North Korea have human rights : The human rights record of North Korea is widely considered to be among the worst in the world and has been globally condemned, with the United Nations and groups such as Human Rights Watch all critical of it.

Which right is violated the most : New Global Society Report launched on the eve of the World Food Day 2018. Rome, 12 October 2018 – The right to food is a fundamental pillar to the right to life. Yet it is also arguably the most violated human right globally.

Who fights for human rights

The most obvious human rights defenders are those whose daily work specifically involves the promotion and protection of human rights, for example human rights monitors working with national human rights organizations, human rights ombudsmen or human rights lawyers.

This year, the worst countries for freedom were Syria and South Sudan with a score of 1 each, followed by Turkmenistan with 2 and North Korea with 3.Top 10 powerful countries in the world 2024

Power Rank & Country GDP (as of March 2024) Population*
#1 United States $27.97 trillion 339.9 million
#2 China $18.56 trillion 1.42 billion
#3 Russia $1.90 trillion 144 million
#4 Germany $4.70 trillion 83.2 million

What is No 1 human rights : Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.