What is a simple comment?
Crafting a good comment

  1. 1 Find something you agree with. That's the easiest type of comment — you agree with the author.
  2. 2Find something you disagree with.
  3. 3Share personal insights or anecdotes.
  4. 4Expand on the subject and contribute to the discussion.
  5. 5Ask thoughtful and relevant questions.
  6. 6Compliment the article.

Use the introduction to get the reader's attention and interest in the topic. Define the problem you are going to discuss and provide a short overview on what you think and why. Summarize the most important arguments that best support your opinion.In a comment, present your opinion, but give reasons (with reference to the text) – if possible, refute counter arguments; start with your weakest argument and move on to the strongest argument. Paragraphs should end with a valid conclusion; in a comment, make a personal conclusion and restate your opinion.

In which tense do you write a comment : In the same way as with an summary it is important to write in plain English, so that your statement is clearly evident. Furthermore, it is important to remember to write continuously in the simple present.

What is a comment example

something that you say or write that expresses your opinion: comment on I don't want any comments on my new haircut, thank you! comment about Garry made a derogatory comment about one of his teachers. make a comment He made negative comments to the press.

What is a great comment : That was fun. Wonderful That's a good point. Worthy That's a very good observation. You are really in touch with the feeling here. That's an interesting point of view.

The first comment section means the position of the very first comment on a social media post. The idea behind the first comment is to provide an anecdote to the conversation. It gives the audience a reason to respond or communicate with the brand or individual.

an intentionally offensive remark about someone's character or appearance: Did you have to make such a personal remark about her new haircut Let's try to keep personal remarks out of the discussion, shall we Personal comments about the chairman's indecision made their way to journalists.

What are the 3 types of comment

Single-Line Comments: Start with // and extend to the end of the line. Multi-Line Comments: Start with /* and end with */. They can span multiple lines. Documentation Comments: Start with /** and end with */.Seven types of comments emerge: directive, evaluative, advisory, interpretive, descriptive, directive questions (Socratic), and open-ended questions (discovery).Top ten tips for writing a great comment

  1. Read the article.
  2. Respond to the article.
  3. Read the other comments.
  4. Make it clear who you're replying to.
  5. Use the return key.
  6. Avoid sarcasm.
  7. Avoid unnecessary acronyms.
  8. Use facts.


I commented
you commented
he/she/it commented
we commented
you commented

What are the two types of comments : There are mainly two types of comments as follows:

  • Line comment.
  • Block comment.

What are the four types of comment : The Four Types of Comments

  • The Wise Comment. The wise comment is one that shares knowledge.
  • The Wicked Comment.
  • The Ignorant Comment.
  • The One Who Didn't Read.
  • Coda.

How do you write a comment answer

  1. Name the situation or feeling referred to in the comment.
  2. Express your appreciation for the feedback.
  3. Mention what will be different in the future.
  4. State the benefits of the changes.
  5. End the response with a good closing, such as a summary, a call for participation, or a "thank you."

The single line comment is //. Everything from the // to the end of the line is a comment. To mark an entire region as a comment, use /* to start the comment and */ to end the comment.The simple past for "say" is "said." I said, you said, he/she said, we said, and they said. But there are other past tenses as well. Perhaps the most common form after the simple form is the present perfect.

How do you use make a comment in a sentence : He said he couldn't make any comment because he was an observer. I'm certain something will happen — someone will laugh at me, tell me off, make a comment. Club sources confirmed the letter was genuine but declined to make any comment.