What is a cool unique word?
Whether you want to add unusual words to your lexicon or are writing your debut novel, here's a list of 25 unique and beautiful words.

  • 1 Abracadabra.
  • 2 Amok.
  • 3 Anemone.
  • 4 Brouhaha.
  • 5 Calliope.
  • 6 Clandestine.
  • 7 Doppelgänger.
  • 8 Earwig.

Mamihlapinatapai (Yagán) Yagán, one of the indigenous languages of Tierra del Fuego, boasts with this tongue-twisting word. Mamihlapinatapai was listed as the most succinct word by The Guinness book of world records and is considered one of the most difficult words to translate.Unique words, in this sense, indicates how many different words you used in your document in comparison to other Grammarly users. Rare words, on the other hand, is what percentage of words in your document are not among the 5,000 most common English words.

What are the rarest word : Do you know what a quincunx is Here are 15 of the most unusual words in the English dictionary

  • ​Deliquescent. Adjective: Becoming liquid, or having a tendency to become liquid.
  • Flabbergast. Verb: Surprise someone greatly.
  • Flimflam.
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification.
  • Limerence.
  • Loquacious.
  • Obdurate.
  • Omnishambles.

What are fancy words

Fancy words you can use at work

Word Pronunciation Meaning
Fiasco /fiˈæskoʊ/ A complete failure or disaster.
Granular /ˈɡrænjʊlər/ Something made up of small details.
Impeccable /ɪmˈpɛkəbl/ Perfect, flawless, error-free.
Pernicious /pərˈnɪʃəs/ Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.

What is a really rare word : Compiled by the folks at Raconteur, the list includes nouns, adjectives and verbs ranging from the reasonably well-known “flabbergast”, to more obscure words, including “quincunx”, “tintinnabulation” and, our personal favourite, “floccinaucinihilipilification”.

The 15 most unusual words you'll ever find in English

  • Nudiustertian.
  • Quire.
  • Yarborough.
  • Tittynope.
  • Winklepicker.
  • Ulotrichous.
  • Kakorrhaphiophobia. If you suffer from this, then you would very much rather not have this word appear in a spelling bee, since it describes the fear of failure.
  • Xertz. Who would have imagined it

Test yourself with the full list below

  • ​Deliquescent. Adjective: Becoming liquid, or having a tendency to become liquid.
  • Flabbergast. Verb: Surprise someone greatly.
  • Flimflam. Noun: Nonsensical or insincere talk.
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification.
  • Limerence.
  • Loquacious.
  • Obdurate.
  • Omnishambles.

What is a uncommon word

1. not common; unusual; rare. an uncommon word. 2. unusual in amount or degree; above the ordinary.Full list of words from this list:

  • excavate. recover through digging.
  • mason. a craftsman who works with stone or brick.
  • gallows. an instrument from which a person is executed by hanging.
  • accord. concurrence of opinion.
  • sanguine. confidently optimistic and cheerful.
  • bereft. lacking or deprived of something.
  • blanch.
  • blithe.

Big interesting words you might use socially

Word Pronunciation Meaning
Massive /ˈmæsɪv/ Huge, enormous, or substantial.
Mellifluous /məˈlɪfluəs/ Sweet-sounding; pleasing to the ear.
Nefarious /nɪˈfɛərɪəs/ Wicked, evil, or villainous.
Opulent /ˈɒpjʊlənt/ Luxurious and grand in appearance.

Do you know what a quincunx is Here are 15 of the most unusual words in the English dictionary

  • ​Deliquescent. Adjective: Becoming liquid, or having a tendency to become liquid.
  • Flabbergast. Verb: Surprise someone greatly.
  • Flimflam.
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification.
  • Limerence.
  • Loquacious.
  • Obdurate.
  • Omnishambles.

What is a beautiful word : Gorgeous – adjective – Extremely beautiful. Happiness – noun – The state of being happy or content. Idyllic – noun – Perfect, especially relating to a particular setting (time or place). Love – verb; noun – To feel strong affection; the act of feeling strong affection. Peace – noun – The absence of war or conflict.

What is a pretty word for rare : Some common synonyms of rare are choice, dainty, delicate, elegant, and exquisite.

What is interesting words

250 Unique Words

  • Abomasum — the fourth stomach of a ruminant, such as a cow or sheep (noun)
  • Absquatulate — to leave somewhere abruptly (verb)
  • Adagio — to perform in slow tempo (adverb)
  • Alfresco — taking place or located in the open air (adverb)
  • Alcazar — a Spanish palace or fortress (noun)

Fifteen Big English Words

  • Abdicate. Abdicate is a verb that means “to give up or fail to complete one's duties or responsibilities.”
  • Capricious.
  • Embellish.
  • Evocative.
  • Extrapolate.
  • Frivolous.
  • Juxtaposition.
  • Loquacious.

Here are 30 unfamiliar words along with their meanings and example sentences:

  • Mellifluous – (adj.) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.
  • Serendipity – (n.) the occurrence of fortunate events by chance.
  • Euphoria – (n.)
  • Petrichor – (n.)
  • Quintessential – (adj.)
  • Nebulous – (adj.)
  • Ubiquitous – (adj.)
  • Mellifluous – (adj.)

What are 10 nice words : List of Positive Words in English for Everyday Communication

Encourage Active Motivate
Peaceful Loyal Nice
Noble Glorious Capable
Perfect Persistent Lively
Ravishing Philanthropic Passionate