What are 50 examples of present tense?
In sentences where actions/events take place repeatedly, the verb used in those sentences will take the simple present tense form.

  • I watch movies on Sundays.
  • Penny comes by car to the office.
  • Sam always takes Robles avenue while travelling.
  • The milkman delivers milk cartons every day.

So, if any sentence depicts an action that has already happened at a specific time, then the verb is in the past tense.

  • Lisa went to the supermarket yesterday.
  • Sam cooked a tasty dinner yesterday.
  • My brother saw a movie yesterday.
  • Last year, I travelled to France.
  • I washed the dishes.
  • My mother bought a dress for me.

English Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences My father goes to gym every day. She loves to play basketball. She thinks he is very handsome. I run every weekend.

What are the 20 examples of present perfect tense : Present Perfect Tense with Examples

  • Raj has just gone out to the market.
  • The clock has just struck twelve.
  • We have gone for a walk.
  • Toby has eaten all the cookies. (
  • My mother has cut her finger. (
  • I have done all my homework.
  • I have been in Pune for one week.
  • Julia has completed her degree from Delhi University.

What are 100 examples of simple present tense

100 sentences of simple present tense

  • I eat breakfast every morning.
  • She works in a hospital.
  • We go to the gym after work.
  • They play soccer on the weekends.
  • He studies hard for his exams.
  • She reads books in her free time.
  • We enjoy spending time with family.
  • They drink coffee in the morning.

What are the 12 present tense : The twelve tenses in English are as follows:

  • Simple Present Tense.
  • Present Continuous Tense.
  • Present Perfect Tense.
  • Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
  • Simple Past Tense.
  • Past Continuous Tense.
  • Past Perfect Tense.
  • Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

Example: I go to school everyday. He plays cricket. Example: Tharun is watching a movie. They are planning a birthday party for their friend.

Simple Present Tense Examples

Person Singular Plural
1st I watch. We watch.
2nd You watch. You watch.
3rd He/she/it watches. They watch.

What are 20 examples of simple past tense


  • John Cabot sailed to America in 1498.
  • My father died last year.
  • He lived in Fiji in 1976.
  • We crossed the Channel yesterday.

The 12 main tenses:

  • Simple present: She writes every day.
  • Present progressive: She is writing right now.
  • Simple past: She wrote last night.
  • Past progressive: She was writing when he called.
  • Simple future: She will write tomorrow.
  • Future progressive: She will be writing when you arrive.

Simple past tense example sentences, 10 Sentences of Simple Past Tense in english Two boys played with a ball. An old lady walked with her cat. A nurse brought a little girl baby to the park. An old man sat down and read his book.

Present tense

Present simple I work
Present continuous I am working
Present perfect I have worked
Present perfect continuous I have been working

Are there 12 or 16 tenses in English : In English grammar, there are three main tenses, and they are each further classified into four different forms, which sum up to twelve tenses in total.

What are the 16 tenses with examples : An overview of tenses

English verb tenses Present Past
Simple I make cakes. I made cakes.
Perfect simple I have made a cake. I had made a cake.
Perfect continuous I have been making a cake. I had been making a cake.

What are 5 examples of simple present tense

English Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences My father goes to gym every day. She loves to play basketball. She thinks he is very handsome. I run every weekend.

Present tense

Present simple I work
Present continuous I am working
Present perfect I have worked
Present perfect continuous I have been working

There are 12 Basic English Tenses ; Present simple Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Past Simple Tense, Past Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Tense, Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Future Simple Tense, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Tense, Future Perfect …

Are English tenses difficult : 2. English verb tenses take practice. Learning when to use different English verb tenses is notoriously difficult for English language students. The reason English verb tenses are so tricky is that they carry a lot of information about when and how something happened.