What are 30 examples of compound sentence?
Compound sentences in the Present Simple Tense

  • I like to read, and my sister enjoys painting.
  • He plays soccer, but she prefers swimming.
  • They study hard, so they get good grades.
  • We work during the day, and we relax in the evening.
  • She loves her job, yet she complains about it a lot.

What is a Compound-Complex Sentence

  • "Although he was tired, John stayed up late to finish his project, and he still managed to get to work on time."
  • "John stayed up late to finish his project"
  • "he still managed to get to work on time."
  • "Although he was tired."
  • "I went to the market, and I bought some milk."

Complex Sentence Examples: Conditionals

  • If it rains tomorrow, we will stay indoors and watch movies.
  • She won't pass the exam unless she studies a lot.
  • If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world.
  • He would have gone to the party if he hadn't been so tired.
  • If I had known about the event, I would have attended.

What is a good example of a compound sentence : A compound sentence is made up of two or more simple sentences joined with a conjunction. Nancy was out of oil, so she went to the grocery store. I want to shed weight, yet I eat butter every day. Prince is very smart, and he knows it.

What are 20 examples of compound words

200+ Examples Of Compound Words For Kids:

Paycheck Tablespoon Firework
Earthquake Cartwheel Notebook
Rowboat Handcuff Crossbow
Takeout Sunglasses Fishbowl
Redwood Homemade Without

What are 20 simple sentences : English Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences My father goes to gym every day. She loves to play basketball. She thinks he is very handsome. I run every weekend.

Examples of Complex Sentences

  • "Because I studied hard, I passed the exam."
  • "Although it was cold outside, she didn't wear a coat."
  • "When he arrived at the station, the bus had already left."
  • "I will buy the car that has the best gas mileage."
  • "What he said was true, but it wasn't very helpful."

For example:

  • She did not cheat on the test, for it was the wrong thing to do.
  • I really need to go to work, but I am too sick to drive.
  • I am counting my calories, yet I really want dessert.
  • He ran out of money, so he had to stop playing poker.
  • They got there early, and they got really good seats.

What are 10 complex sentences examples

Examples of Complex Sentences

  • "Because I studied hard, I passed the exam."
  • "Although it was cold outside, she didn't wear a coat."
  • "When he arrived at the station, the bus had already left."
  • "I will buy the car that has the best gas mileage."
  • "What he said was true, but it wasn't very helpful."

Examples of Compound Sentences

  • I'm going to the shop, for I have run out of milk.
  • I like swimming and I like running.
  • I have never been to France, nor have I been to Australia.
  • She doesn't like apples, but she loves bananas.
  • Eat up your dinner, or you won't have any pudding.
  • He has a dog, yet he wants a cat too.

List of Commonly-Used Compound Words in English

Compound Words
Blackboard South-west Afro-American
Blowout Housefull Sunflower
Dilly dally Postman Notebook
Superhero Hot dog Grandfather

Compound Words Include:

rainbow, hotdog, baseball, basketball, icecream, watercan, sunflower, bookshelf, butterfly, horseshoe, airplane, popcorn, cupcake, sunshine, dragonfly, bathtub, backpack, birdhouse, snowman, toothbrush, strawberry, goldfish, passport, and ladybug.

What are 10 compound sentences : I need to go to school, but I feel too unwell. Everybody was busy, so I went to the store alone. It was getting late, and we hadn't reached the hotel. He didn't enjoy visiting the dentist, yet he went anyway.

What are 5 examples of compound complex sentences : “The cat meowed loudly, but the dog continued to sleep.” “Although it was raining, the boy still went outside to play.” “Tom couldn't find his keys, so he had to take the bus.” The conjunctions used determines the relationship between the clauses.

What are the 4 types of compound sentences

Types of Compound Sentences

There are three ways to make compound sentences: coordinating conjunctions, semicolons, and transitional expressions. Coordinating Conjunctions: These are the most common. They are formed by joining two independent clauses with a coordinating conjunction.

Compound noun examples in sentences

  • "The firefighter put out the fire."
  • "The ice cream was delicious."
  • "She got a new haircut."
  • "He caught a fish with his fishing rod."
  • "They are going to the airport tomorrow."
  • "The students are studying in the classroom."
  • "He has thick eyebrows."
  • "She bought a new toothbrush."

Included words: earring, cowboy, handbag, teapot, basketball, teapot, dragonfly, sunflower, birdhouse, lipstick, eggplant, mailbox, horseshoe, snowman, rainbow, goldfish, toothbrush, sandcastle, earthworm, snowball.

What are 20 compound nouns : Compound nouns

First part: type or purpose Second part: what or who Compound noun
police man policeman
boy friend boyfriend
water tank water tank
dining table dining-table