What are 20 words that start with a with meaning?
List of Descriptive Words That Start With A:

Abloom Amusing Articulate
Addicting Ageless Awesome
Adaptive Austere Aglitter
Admirable Authentic Aglow
Adorable Attentive Astonishing

List of 300+ Most Common A Words for Everyday Communication

A As Ask
Along Attentive Alleviate
Astonishment Accentuate Agreeable
Ambitious Amplitude Apricot
Agile Aqua Antecedent

Number of English words starting with each letter in descending order

Letters No. of words Percentage
a 16869 7.11%
u 16520 6.97%
t 12976 5.47%
m 12503 5.27%

What are German words that start with I :

  • 1 . Idee.
  • 2 . Imagination.
  • 3 . Impuls.
  • 4 . Inkarnationen.
  • 5 . Insel.
  • 6 . Intelligenz.
  • 7 . Irrtum.
  • 8 . Irrweg.

What are 100 words that start with a with meaning

Full list of words from this list:

  • abase. cause to feel shame.
  • aberration. a state or condition markedly different from the norm.
  • abhor. feel hatred or disgust toward.
  • abject. most unfortunate or miserable.
  • abrasive. sharply disagreeable, unpleasant, or harsh.
  • abstain.
  • abstract.
  • abundant.

What are the 100 new words with meaning : List of 100 new English words and meanings

New English Word Meaning
awe-inspiringly So impressively, spectacularly, or formidably as to arouse or inspire awe.
awesomesauce Extremely good; excellent.
awfulize To class as awful or terrible
awfy Terrible, dreadful; remarkable or notable.

7 letter words that start with A

  • abacist.
  • abaculi.
  • abalone.
  • abandon.
  • abasers.
  • abashed.
  • abashes.
  • abasias.

Words start from a a and r ambulance uncle animal aeroplane apple aquarium air i astronaut abacus x alligator apricot armor atlas award avocado a burst army apparent a crown anchor angle s r alien r

What German words start with a

  • 1 . Abend.
  • 2 . Abenddämmerung.
  • 3 . Abgrund.
  • 4 . Abhang.
  • 5 . Ablehnung.
  • 6 . Abscheu.
  • 7 . Abschirmung.
  • 8 . Abstieg.


  • Thank you – Danke (dan-kuh”)
  • You're welcome – Bitteschön (“bit-tuh-shun“)
  • Please, excuse me, or pardon – Bitte (“bit-tuh”)
  • Yes – Ja (“jah”)
  • No – Nein (“nine”)
  • Hello – Hallo (“hallo”)
  • Goodbye – Auf Wiedersehen (“Owf Veeder-sane”)
  • German – Deutsch (“doych”)

The following list provides you with 50 new words in English that we will be using in 2023.

  • Abrogate- To revoke.
  • Anachronism- Something out of place for the time period.
  • Arrant- Entirely and completely.
  • Artless- Without deception.
  • Asperity- Harsh in tone.
  • Belie- To convey a misleading impression of; to distort.

12 letter words that start with A

  • abandonments.
  • abandonwares.
  • abbreviating.
  • abbreviation.
  • abbreviators.
  • abbreviatory.
  • abecedarians.
  • aberrational.

What are 30 new words with meaning : 30+ New English Words With Meanings

  • Abnegation. Renunciation of a belief or doctrine; Denial.
  • Aggrandize. To enhance power, wealth, or status.
  • Fatuous. Devoid of intelligence.
  • Gratuitous. Uncalled for or unwarranted.
  • Iconoclast. Someone who criticizes or attacks cherished ideas and beliefs.
  • Idiosyncratic.
  • Incumbent.
  • Inveterate.

What are 5 big words : Big interesting words you might use socially

Word Pronunciation Meaning
Massive /ˈmæsɪv/ Huge, enormous, or substantial.
Mellifluous /məˈlɪfluəs/ Sweet-sounding; pleasing to the ear.
Nefarious /nɪˈfɛərɪəs/ Wicked, evil, or villainous.
Opulent /ˈɒpjʊlənt/ Luxurious and grand in appearance.

What are 10 words that start with a

  • a (indefinite article)
  • abandon (verb)
  • ability (noun)
  • able (adjective)
  • about (adjective, adverb, preposition)
  • above (adverb, preposition)
  • abroad (adverb)
  • absence (noun)

6-Letter Words Starting with 'A'

Access Addict Adjust
Agency Agenda Airway
Almond Alkali Always
Alumni Albeit Amidst
Anarch Anthem Antler

Between the ages of 2 and 3, toddlers have a huge jump in language skills: At age 2, most kids say at least 2 words together. By 30 months, they are saying 50 words or more and are understood about half of the time.

How can I speak German faster : How to learn German fast – 7 useful tips

  1. 1 – Go out of your way to speak to German people.
  2. 2 – Watch German content with subtitles.
  3. 3 – Immerse yourself in German.
  4. 4 – Start with the basics.
  5. 5 – Learn the basic grammar rules early on.
  6. 6 – Start constructing sentences and phrases.
  7. 7 – Learn Modal Verbs.