What are 20 examples of compound complex sentence?
Examples of Complex Sentences

  • "Because I studied hard, I passed the exam."
  • "Although it was cold outside, she didn't wear a coat."
  • "When he arrived at the station, the bus had already left."
  • "I will buy the car that has the best gas mileage."
  • "What he said was true, but it wasn't very helpful."

What is a Compound-Complex Sentence

  • "Although he was tired, John stayed up late to finish his project, and he still managed to get to work on time."
  • "John stayed up late to finish his project"
  • "he still managed to get to work on time."
  • "Although he was tired."
  • "I went to the market, and I bought some milk."

Compound sentences in the Present Simple Tense

  • I like to read, and my sister enjoys painting.
  • He plays soccer, but she prefers swimming.
  • They study hard, so they get good grades.
  • We work during the day, and we relax in the evening.
  • She loves her job, yet she complains about it a lot.

How do you find a compound-complex sentence : A compound sentence contains two independent clauses that are connected by a comma-conjunction combination. A compound-complex sentence not only has two independent clauses joined by a comma-conjunction, but it also contains at least one dependent clause.

What are 50 examples of complex sentences

50 examples of complex sentences

  • Although she studied hard, she didn't pass the exam.
  • I will go to the park if it stops raining.
  • He plays the guitar, and his sister sings.
  • Despite feeling tired, she went for a run.
  • The book that I borrowed from the library is very interesting.

What are 20 simple sentences : English Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences My father goes to gym every day. She loves to play basketball. She thinks he is very handsome. I run every weekend.

Example: Because the soup was too cold, I warmed it in the microwave. A compound-complex sentence is comprised of at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Example: Though Mitchell prefers watching romantic films, he rented the latest spy thriller, and he enjoyed it very much.

As soon as I heard the news, I called Nathan, and we made plans to celebrate. I passed the test, but I would have gotten a perfect score if I had studied for the vocabulary section. You can come pick up the cake, or if you would prefer, we can deliver it to you.

What is compound complex sentence in English grammar


A compound-complex sentence is a sentence containing one or more dependent clauses and two or more independent clauses joined by a conjunction or semicolon. An independent clause comprises a subject and verb and is a complete thought.The easiest way is to count the number of dependent and independent clauses. A simple sentence has at least one independent clause; a compound sentence has at least two independent clauses; a complex sentence has one independent clause and at least two dependent clauses.Jordan packed his lunch before going to school, but he forgot to include an apple. This compound-complex sentence has a dependent clause in the middle, with independent clauses on either side. The dependent clause is ''before going to school.

Complex Sentences: Simple Past Tense

  • After she finished her studies, she traveled around Europe for six months.
  • Although they were tired, they stayed up late to finish their project.
  • He immediately called for help when he saw the accident.
  • My kids often misbehaved whenever they had a babysitter.

What are 4 complex sentences : Examples of Complex Sentences

Because he was late again, he would be docked a day's pay. While I am a passionate basketball fan, I prefer football. Although she was considered smart, she failed all her exams. Whenever it rains, I like to wear my blue coat.

What are some good compound sentences : Compound Sentences

  • John thought he had a good chance to get the job, for his father was on the company's board of trustees. ( for + main clause)
  • Most of the visitors were happy just sitting around in the shade, for it had been a long, dusty journey on the train.

How do you identify simple compound and complex sentences

Sentences come in three main types: simple, compound, and complex. Simple sentences contain a single independent clause. Compound sentences also contain only independent clauses – two or more of them. Complex sentences have both an independent and one or more dependent clauses.

Example: Because the soup was too cold, I warmed it in the microwave. A compound-complex sentence is comprised of at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Example: Though Mitchell prefers watching romantic films, he rented the latest spy thriller, and he enjoyed it very much.A compound-complex sentence is a sentence containing one or more dependent clauses and two or more independent clauses joined by a conjunction or semicolon.

What is a compound complex sentence example about school : A compound-complex sentence contains two or more independent clauses and one or more dependent clause. Example: I was late for school, and I got detention because I overslept.