Should I learn Laravel or PHP first?
It is not easy learning PHP before using Laravel or any other framework. Laravel is not a substitute for PHP, it's a framework offering some basic structure and features for your application for you to build upon in PHP. You cannot use it effectively without the knowledge of a decent amount of PHP first.You can learn other frameworks where programming languages are not needed. However, to use Laravel effectively, you need to start learning PHP. Or learn Laravel and PHP together depending on how convenient we find it.Laravel provides more security compared to Core PHP based on data integrity and confidentiality due to its well-grounded structure. To prevent cyber threats and unauthorized access to Core PHP-based applications, developers must adjoin third-party APIs and define their protocols.

Does Laravel make PHP easier : Laravel is a PHP framework that provides a number of features that can make web development easier and faster. These features include: A built-in router that makes it easy to create and manage routes.

How much PHP should I learn before Laravel

Before you start learning Laravel, you need to have a basic understanding of PHP programming. If you are new to PHP, you can start by taking a beginner's course that covers the fundamentals of PHP such as variables, arrays, loops, functions, and more.

What should I learn before Laravel : As we covered in the 'what skills are needed to be a Laravel developer' section, you'll want to include the following skills:

  • Web development.
  • Database management.
  • Project Management.
  • PHP experience.
  • Website design.
  • Laravel application development knowledge.
  • Web security knowledge.
  • MVC architecture knowledge.

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is not necessarily considered outdated, but it has garnered criticism and debate over the years due to several factors.

Because the world is undergoing rapid change, there is no need for you to concern yourself with any technology that may soon become obsolete. But the good news is that you won't have to worry about soon Laravel disappears. It's going to expand much farther!

Which is harder PHP or Laravel

In conclusion, both Laravel and vanilla PHP have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Laravel is a great choice for building complex web applications that need to scale and be easy to maintain. It also provides a lot of built-in functionality and code organization that can save a lot of time and effort.Usually, basic Laravel skills can be learned in weeks to months. This assumes regular learning and practice. For deeper skills, it might take six months to a year. This depends on the learner's background and effort.Laravel is what we would like to call a progressive framework that becomes the optimal choice for full-stack web development. Since Laravel has proved itself as one of the most in-demand frameworks for web applications in 2024, the quest for a seasoned Laravel developer automatically surges.

Conclusion. Contrary to the rumors of its demise, PHP continues to thrive as a reliable and powerful programming language for web development.

Why is PHP losing popularity : Lacklustre Performance. PHP is more than 25 years old now, so it qualifies to being considered a “legacy” scripting language. Despite that, it's only in its 8th major version at the moment. The slow pace of updates and the historically slow nature of the web have made PHP a bit lethargic in performance.

Does NASA use Laravel : However, the safer web framework between Django vs Laravel is Django. This is why biggies like NASA use it.

Why is PHP not used anymore

Lack of Modern Language Features: Some modern language features present in newer languages are missing in PHP. For example, PHP didn't fully support features like proper anonymous functions and closures until later versions.

Laravel is easy to learn. Laravel allows the developer to focus on their web application's design, architecture, and functionality.Laravel is what we would like to call a progressive framework that becomes the optimal choice for full-stack web development. Since Laravel has proved itself as one of the most in-demand frameworks for web applications in 2024, the quest for a seasoned Laravel developer automatically surges.

Is PHP dead 2024 : According to the latest metrics from W3Techs, in 2024, PHP still powers 76.5% of websites where the server-side programming language can be discerned. And that's less than a 1% decrease over a year (77.3% as of 2023).