Is PHP more powerful than Python?
In Python vs PHP, both are preferred for developing a web application due to the high availability of versatile libraries and frameworks based on them. But, Python is considered more scalable, as it offers to implement Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning programs in the Software.Learning Curve

Both languages are considered developer-friendly. But if we have to compare them, PHP has a steeper learning curve than Python because it has a bit more complex syntax as well as inconsistent naming conventions.According to the latest metrics from W3Techs, in 2024, PHP still powers 76.5% of websites where the server-side programming language can be discerned. And that's less than a 1% decrease over a year (77.3% as of 2023).

Is PHP 8 faster than Python : However, the latest major release, PHP 8.1, is much faster — almost 3 times faster than a typical Python program. Speed often becomes an important factor in performance-critical applications.

Can Python replace PHP

Sometimes, you can use Python to replace PHP for web development. For example, you can use Python to build web applications using frameworks such as Django or Flask. These frameworks function similarly to PHP frameworks like Laravel or CodeIgniter.

Why use PHP over Python : PHP enables you to integrate with third-party applications flawlessly. On the other hand, Python comes with powerful functionalities that are hugely suitable for building apps based on AI, ML, data science, Big Data, etc.

If your goal is to develop web applications, you should learn PHP first. If you're into data science and machine learning, you should learn Python first. f you're a beginner looking to learn a new language, you should choose Python as it is easy to understand and has a less steep learning curve.

Is PHP dead already Absolutely not! With its latest release, PHP 8.3 demonstrates its ongoing evolution and relevance in the modern web development landscape. Its focus on performance, security, and modern features positions it as a powerful tool for building web applications.

Is PHP a dying language

Conclusion. Contrary to the rumors of its demise, PHP continues to thrive as a reliable and powerful programming language for web development.PHP's versatility extends to its ability to integrate with various databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. This flexibility enables developers to choose the database that best suits the requirements of their project, providing a wide range of options for data storage and retrieval.The language and community have matured, and in the process PHP has lost most of its competitive advantage: low barrier to entry. It used to be: * Moving from static HTML to dynamic server code was a matter of changing file extension and adding PHP tags. * Many shared hosting services supported PHP.

In 2024, PHP still powers 76.5% of websites where the server-side programming language can be discerned. It's also used in content management and website development and is available on platforms like WooCommerce and Magento.

Why big companies don t use PHP : As the saying goes – “PHP is so easy to learn that any idiot can use it. Far too many do.” You can write terrible, horrible code in every programming language out there. In hard to learn higher level languages like C++, your program will crash or simply not work.

Will PHP be replaced : There are many people who consider JavaScript (JS) the best PHP alternative for web development. It is the most popular programming language in the world, being used not just for web but for mobile and desktop development as well, thanks to many powerful frameworks.