Do graphs have to start at 0?
Line charts have the big advantage that they don't need to start from zero. If your data comes close to zero, however, consider adding the zero baseline.In case of line chart, the reason we use non-zero unit in the Y scale is because we sometimes have to zoom in to the visualization so that it appears more meaningful. The same line chart will look different, if we zoom out and start the line graph at zero. The change in value over time will look rather uniform.As with all presentation of data, context is key. Only use a non-zero based measurement axis when the expected range is known and the message is about the values within that range. Other than this situation (& perhaps a few other situations), start your measurement axis at zero to give an accurate view of the values.

How do you label a graph : Elements of a Graph – Labeling

  1. Horizontal Axis Label. The label of the horizontal axis — the x-axis — is important because it represents your independent variable.
  2. Vertical Axis Label. The label of the vertical axis, the y-axis, represents your dependent variable.
  3. Label Axes as "X" and "Y"
  4. Title Your Graph.

Is it okay to not start axis at 0

When creating a bar or line chart, you should always start with a zero baseline before adjusting your axis so you can understand how changing the axis affects your data and its interpretation. Also, before switching to a non-zero baseline, ensure that you've considered the size of your dataset.

Does a graph have to start at 1 : No, you can start with any value you like. Your graph can never be more than a way to help you solve the problem. This does not necessarily apply to the y-axis. If you start the y-axis too high you can create the visual appearance of massive changes when the actual change was not that significant.

It's ok to start a line chart at a non-zero value but there are some things you should be aware of before you do so.

An important aspect of histograms is that they must be plotted with a zero-valued baseline. Since the frequency of data in each bin is implied by the height of each bar, changing the baseline or introducing a gap in the scale will skew the perception of the distribution of data.

What point do you plot first


The x-coordinate always comes first, followed by the y-coordinate.The title should be a brief statement describing the subject of the graph, but should not describe or interpret the results.The y-coordinate is 5. To locate (2,5), move 2 units to the right on the x-axis and 5 units up on the y-axis. The order in which you write x- and y-coordinates in an ordered pair is very important. The x-coordinate always comes first, followed by the y-coordinate.

In almost all cases, a bar chart value axis should start at zero and finish just above the maximum value in your dataset. This is what they're built for: large rectangles, filling the available space, making comparisons easy and obvious.

Why do line graphs start at 0 : Line graphs, therefore, are not required to have a zero baseline; but in most cases, it is still advisable. It is less confusing to an audience if the y-axis starts at zero, since that is the normal expectation when seeing a chart for the first time.

What do you plot first on a graph : X and y coordinates (axis) are horizontal and vertical addresses in a 2D space. The order of the x and y coordinates in the ordered pair is important. The x coordinate always comes first, followed by the y coordinate.

Where do you always start when plotting a point

And then we go over on our x axis first and our first coordinate here is a negative three that's our X. So we need to go left to zero. Over two negative three here. And then we need to go up.

The proper form for a graph title is "y-axis variable vs. x-axis variable." For example, if you were comparing the the amount of fertilizer to how much a plant grew, the amount of fertilizer would be the independent, or x-axis variable and the growth would be the dependent, or y-axis variable.Keep Chart Captions Simple and Short

If you're wondering how to make a good title for your graph, the most important thing you should know is to keep it simple. People are scanning your information and you don't want the reader to have to work hard to understand what you're trying to say.

What is the order of a graph : The order of a graph is its number |V| of vertices, usually denoted by n. The size of a graph is its number |E| of edges, typically denoted by m.