Are there 5 Chaos gods?

There is a fifth major Chaos God who appeared in earlier editions of Warhammer 40,000 who is almost never mentioned save by the most arcane of texts: Malice, The Renegade God – God of Anarchy, Vengeance and Nihilism.four Chaos Gods

There are four Chaos Gods: wrathful Khorne, devious Tzeentch, pestilential Nurgle and cruel Slaanesh. All are jealous and prideful deities, each believing himself destined to be the supreme ruler of all existence.Khorne

In the current setting, Khorne has risen to the top of the great game over his fellow gods.

Who is the friendliest Chaos god : Nurgle

Nurgle is considered the most "friendly" of the Chaos Gods, for he is the only god to care about the mortals who follow and worship him. He is considered joyful, kind, and happy in his demeanour toward his worshippers and Daemonic creations.

Is malice the 5th Chaos god

And blood grandfather nurgle Lord of pestilence. And disease zinch. The architect to fade. And changer of ways. And slanesh the Dark Prince. And Lord of excess. But.

Is Slaanesh a female : Slaanesh is often referred to as a "he," with the masculine gender, though in fact, like all the entities composed of magical energy called the Chaos Gods, it in fact has no true gender, and Slaanesh prefers a far more androgynous appearance than his fellow Ruinous Powers.


Slaanesh is the Chaos God of pain and lust. He is the weakest of the four chaos gods and the fastest fighter from his speedster movement. He was created from the Eldar races past carefree nature after getting bored conquering their enemies they deemed themselves superior over.


Slaanesh is the Chaos God of pain and lust. He is the weakest of the four chaos gods and the fastest fighter from his speedster movement. He was created from the Eldar races past carefree nature after getting bored conquering their enemies they deemed themselves superior over.

Who is the oldest god of chaos


2nd edition chaos codex claims Khorne is the oldest, Realms of Chaos has Nurlge as third oldest, leaving Tzeentch at second place.Nurgle. He's actually the only real good guy in the setting. Others are just callous and uncaring even when they fight against evil. The empire has laws for killing newborns with mutations, while Nurgle will love you even if you're the ugliest thing alive (and you probably are, if you worship him).However Vashtorr came to be, he is neither a formerly mortal Daemon Prince nor a Daemonic entity emanating from one of the four major Dark Gods. He has his own sphere of influence different from theirs, and his own unique role within the wider pantheon of the Realm of Chaos, for he is the master of the Forge of Souls.

Nurgle. He's actually the only real good guy in the setting. Others are just callous and uncaring even when they fight against evil. The empire has laws for killing newborns with mutations, while Nurgle will love you even if you're the ugliest thing alive (and you probably are, if you worship him).

Is Nurgle male or female : Additionally, Nurgle is often referred to as a "he," with the masculine gender, though in fact, like all the entities composed of psychic energy called Chaos Gods, it in fact has no gender.

Is Zeus more powerful than Chaos : Chaos is not really a being per se, like there is a personification of it but it isn't really a living thinking being like other Gods or Primordials. That being said Chaos is so vastly strong that Zeus could probably not even conceive of how to fight it.

Is nurgle the weakest Chaos god

It kinda depends on how you look at it. If you somehow locked all four in a room and told them that the last one standing gets to leave, Khorne would win. And in order of how it would go: Slaanesh falls first, then Tzeentch, then Nurgle, and Khorne wins.

Chaos is the Creator of All and the first being to exist. Omnipotent deities were born from them. Zeus is powerful but Chaos could erase him from existence with less than a thought.Hesiod, in his Theogony, considers the first beings (after Chaos) to be Erebus, Gaia, Tartarus, Eros and Nyx.

Does Nurgle actually love you : Nurgle. He's actually the only real good guy in the setting. Others are just callous and uncaring even when they fight against evil. The empire has laws for killing newborns with mutations, while Nurgle will love you even if you're the ugliest thing alive (and you probably are, if you worship him).